Gananda CSD Additions & Renovation Project
Project Overview
HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical & Fire Protection
- 2019 Capital Improvements Project
- 2011 & 2015 Building Condition Surveys
- 2016 Capital Improvements Project
- 2011 & 2015 Building Condition Surveys and a $2.5 million capital improvement project which involved the reconstruction of the Richard Mann Elementary School building, site, and playground improvements. Approved in December 2016 Capital Improvements project. $15.1 million “road to 2020”. Engineering project includes enhancing safety and security, increasing access to facilities, and bringing learning into the 21st century.
Project Name
Gananda CSD
Gananda CSD
Project Type
Additions; Renovations; Capital Improvements Project; Building Condition Surveys; Capital Outlay Project
Project Overview
HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection
Educational K-12
Gananda CSD
Walworth, NY
Company Bio
Educational K-12
Project Engineer
Bruce Keeley, PE
Project Budget
2011 Building Cond. Survey
2015 Building Cond. Survey
2016 Capital Improvements
2019 Capital Improvements